Innovative Approach to Solve Problem By Lok Kala Vikas Manch
- Education
- Skill Development
- Health
- Livelihood
- Environment
Quality Improvement Approach at Public Healthcare Facilities
The launch of quality improvement (QI) approach in eight districts of Bihar and later scaled to all 38 districts within the state, as a solution to improve the quality of services at public health facilities.
Tackling several tangible and intangible elements of high-quality care by upgrading the infrastructure and equipment.
Improving staff morale, sharpening clinical skills, and updating a range of standard operating procedures, systems, and processes.
Bringing positive changes to public health facilities, which contributed to an increase in the attendance in outpatient departments and delivery loads in these facilities.
Increasing availability of supplies and equipment in facilities, including functional autoclaves, pregnancy testing kits, and intrauterine contraceptive devices.
Improving the emergency response and critical care skills of nurses and ANMs, through the nurse mentoring programme – AMANAT, in close collaboration with the Government of Bihar.
Increasing the practice of evidence-based interventions, including an improvement in the active management of third stage of labour and delayed clamping of the umbilical cord.